Tuesday, May 13, 2008

"All I know is you need love and I've got a family" - AudioA (Big House)

I may or may not have mentioned this before but this place, bloggers that is, is really cool. We're all blogging friends I guess, but I think it's more than than that. We're pretty much prayer partners too, for whereever we're at. This place but mostly you guys are just blessings God has given me. From October, when I first started, to March no one even knew about this blog and I was hardly on.

Then, one April day, I was "managing posts" and when at looked to the right side of the screen I was suddenly shocked to see "1 comment" appear. It was in fact Sam! I guess you could say she's my home girl (don't worry I don't normally say things like that). Since then I've been on almost at least every other day.

So guess it's the same for everyone, this kind of fascination with the fact that none of us (except Sam and Casey) have actually met, and yet we feel so close, almost like a family. And from the comments left here and from what I've seen elsewhere, there's a lot of prayer going on if we're all keeping our words. It's just like "Sure I'll pray for your work, and your prom, and your parents", "You know I'll be praying for your homework and your friends and whatever else is on your mind", and "I'll definitely be praying for that missions trip you're going on for the Big Guy (with all due respect)". It's so cool!!!

So thanks, let's keep it up! Ba ba ba ba ba... I'm loving it! (lame)


SamanthaMarie said...

There is no way I could have put that any more beautifully or eloquently. This post touched me to the deepest parts of my heart. To say I teared up would be an understatement. If anyone could see the smile upon my face, they would think I was high.

I can't even explain how your words just made me realize how POWERFUL this blogging and prayer group we have going is. We do pray for one another, we do care, we do love, we are there. God is SO good. I just love all that He has done for us. And I'm so blessed to have you as my AMAZING BEST BLOGGING BUDDY :)

I think that one day, in the future, when we are all older (and hopefully we will remain in contact) we should meet in person and have an amazing prayer filled weekend of fun or something. It could be an annual meeting of the Blogging Sisters in Christ or something :)

Thank you so much for your prayers about my parents, you have no idea how much it means to me.

Love you girl!!

CaseyMay said...

I have been thinking the same thing over the last few days! We are totally family, we are all sisters in Christ and are here to support each other and love on each other. I'm just so glad that we are able to connect with each other like this! It's such a blessing for me and an encouragement too!

Oh and I love Samantha's idea!! I'm all for it!

You're awesome! *hugs*

~standing on His Promise~

Stephanie said...

Dang! I made you cry... Honestly though, wow, I was not expecting that kind of response to a rather simple post. But I'm glad we're all mutual on this (I mean I kinda had a feeling we were).

And Casey, I'm super glad you're on here too!

retrobellewife said...

Hey, thanks for visitng my blog.
Your post is so true and exactly what I have been thinking lately. I mean, honestly, I have never had friends I could write to or talk to on the phone(and they'd listen). Blogging seems to be a great way to tell your real emotions and worries and thoughts. It just amazes me that there are other girls I have never met who are actually taking the time to read my posts. I have never been one who thought I had anything interesting to say, yet y'all have started to visit me and reply! I feel as though I am making real friends. It can sound sad because I have no idea what some of you look like and we've never talked in person, but then again, I feel as though we are being most honest with each other and so it doesn't really matter- does it? I hope we all keep blogging, at least as long as we can.