Sunday, May 18, 2008

Looking for a Better Day

I don't really care if you read my last post or not. They're random facts and you'll probably learn something about me because of it but it doesn't show my heart on anything so it has no real purpose for this blog. Right now I don't even know how I feel. It's not a good feeling though. I'm sad.

This morning was good... I mean I was loving the worship. I was thinking about everything I was singing, which I don't always do.

But from there my whole day's been going downhill. It's my dad's 52nd birthday today and I haven't even seen him yet because he had to get up early to go to his church.

Morgan wasn't at church today, and hasn't been for the last two weeks either. I was praying that both her and her mom be there today. I asked someone about her and apparently she was working. Also I found out that she's working two jobs now. I don't know, I'm just missing her because I haven't seen in a long time. I think the last real time was the rugby game. I'd like to call her sometime.

I have homework to do but I feel like there's no purpose to it except to get a good grade. I'll do the work but there's just nothing there for me. Nothing to motivate me.

One thing I caught myself enjoying today though, was when I was in my parents' room and I was looking through some papers that looked they were ripped from a magazine. They were about youth ministry. Not all of it was that interesting but there were somethings that seemed like cool ideas. And there's just so much you can do with a youth group. Maybe I was almost excited. Maybe after I'm done high school I'll take a year off, get a job and work with the church with the youth.

I think I may have mentioned once either here or as a comment elsewhere, that some of the things God's shown me is unity in the church, I still have a passion for missions, and now this thing for broken teens is developing. And what's funny is that all of these things can be worked together through youth ministry. But we'll see, and I'll be praying about that for sure.

At my church there's this group of people called the servant's board, basically the people who are supposed to be leaders in the youth group. I'm part of it and meetings are pretty rare. All we basically ever do is plan events but I think I might just email my pastor and ask him when the next one is. I'd love to just talk about things we could do to make the youth better.

I'm still in kind of in a bummed out mood though. And I need to be spending more time in the Word. I've been putting it off a bit, so that's probably the reason for this mood.

We'll I guess I've made a list for myself.
-email the pastor
-read my Bible
-call Morgan

That'll keep me busy for a while and then if I get really bored I'll do some school work. See ya.


CaseyMay said...

Hey girl! I'm sorry your having a down kind of day, those are never fun. I will be praying that your time in the Word lifts your spirits. I want to also encourage you to call on the power of Jesus's name and rebuke any attacks of the enemy, speaking and praying the Word is also very powerful. I can talk to you more about that if you wish but its up to you.

About your comment. It is very hard to wait for God to provide a best friend like mine, but I encourage you keep seeking the Lord on that, I prayed for about 3 years before God brought SamanthaMarie into my life, He has someone out there to strengthen you and sharpen you like iron sharpend iron.

Try not to get too discouraged sweetheart, keep pressing into God and seeking Him and He will bless you so very much.

Thank you for your prayers honey. Love ya and praying for you!
~standing on His Promise~

CaseyMay said...

I'd love to tell you more about praying scripture! SO..finding verses to pray over, if you can look up ones that deal with your struggles, so if you have a concordance in your bible you can look up your problem or struggle and it will give you verses that deal with it. Granted you will get some that don't make anysense at all but you will find ones that make sense. One that I pray is Jeremiah 49:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a hope and a future." or Romans 12:2-3 and Phillipians 4:13. Those are some good ones. Memorizing scripture is so powerful, you won't need to know where it is to pray it, though it is helpful when giving it to someone else. :)
I hope that made sense, if not I can try to explain it when I'm not so tired. LOL
~standing on His Promises~

SamanthaMarie said...

Even the tone of what you wrote was deep, punctured, and sad. Your soul is upset my dear and you can bet I will be praying for you. I miss the bubbly Steph I know from the rest of your blogs, but I also know that we all go through hard times. At least you were able to share it with all of us so that we can be praying with you. Keep us updated on how you are. I love you girl!!