Wednesday, May 14, 2008

My Testimony

My last blog inspired me to put up my testimony. This could be long or short, I'll shoot for somewhat short :S

Well my life started as an MK in Belgium. My parents were missionaries there, but it didn't last long because my mom hated it. So I don't even remember that. But I've grown up in the church, in a Christian family my whole life. That makes me abnormal when you look around at so many other people in our lives.

I'll tell you more about it than that, but I was telling my friend Hope once before about Lacey Mosley's testimony and how I thought it was so cool (you can tell I've got this thing, passion almost, starting up for people with stories of cutting and hurt and so much more). And what Hope told me that's cool about grown-up-in-church stories, is God's faithfulness in our lives to keep us from those things that would hurt us - still not the same, but good perspective.

So after a few years of being in Belgium we came home to Canada and lived in one place until I had finished gr.1. I'm the oldest and by the end of gr.1 I had acquired a sister and brother. I left behind some good friends (who I've recently found out aren't so great anymore). So when I moved I think I became more introverted, going to a new school and meeting new people. All the way through the elementary I never had any good friends. Just for trivia it was French immersion (no importance).

I really first accepted him when I was 8 in July 1999 and then on December 4, 2005 I was baptised by my dad.

I was glad to leave that place and go to high school. Probably late public school years my dad became the youth pastor at a Filipino church that's about an hour out of town. In gr9 I wanted to be more apart of the local church that I had previously gone to because I had some friends there and so I slowly ditched my dad's church for the local one, of which I'm now a member (same God!). I still visit sometimes though.

Gr10, maybe late Gr9, my life story starts to pick up a little interest. I grew a lot in my faith in gr 10 with great role models but the one question that was always on my mind was "Who am I?" . And I'd drive myself crazy with it on some days. Sometimes I would cry at night when no one knew after I had thought about it too much. Remember, then I was really quite introverted (less now I think). I've never had a whole lot of friends. I blamed my lack of friends on my personality, although I may have twisted my words at the time so that it sounded better.

I've had some cool God stories too, which I would say are part of my testimony. Things like Africa, Morgan specifically, that dream I told you about. I'm more confident with who I am now, it's not really something I'm concerned about anymore. Although, if I'm feeling moody and almost looking for something to cry about, I may just whip it out again.

This thing is kind of an on going testimony so I'm leaving it open ended. Maybe I'll elaborate more on certain things if it comes up but this gives you an idea my life so far. I'm in gr11 now and things are generally good. And I'm signing out now, peace!


CaseyMay said...

Wow girl I didn't know you were an MK! Yor testimony is so refreshing thank you for sharing it with us. I look forward to reading more about your God experiences and watching to see where God takes you!
Have an amazing day sweetie!

Dragonflysoul said...

what an awesome story and wonderful journey you've had so far! (i've always wanted to go to Beligium - my company goes every year to Brussels).

i'm so glad that you've shard a piece of your life with us. i can relate to the "who am i" questions - i still ask them. but i can see just from your writing that God is showing you more and more who you are in Him. He has begun a good work in you already :-)

thanks for sharing with us.

SamanthaMarie said...

I LOVE hearing and reading testimonies. Thank you for sharing!! I really admire your strength in Christ.

I think I remember saying I would post my testimony one day... ha, maybe I should do that sometime soon ;)