Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Sam's got me tagged. So the rules are that I need to answer a few questions :).

The Rules (what the tagger and the taggee have to do:

Answer some questions from whoever tagged you

Link her to your blog (she's already there!! :D)

Tag some(:P) more people and comment on their blog to let them know!
Ok, the first question.

Who is your favorite author and why?

This would be easier just to answer favourite books. I don't have one specific fav. I like books by Francine River and Lemony Snicket. I like Rivers because they're just great books. They're fictional but they usually on based on some story in the Bible. Lemony Snicket because no one writes books like him. They can be odd sometimes but there's like a million mysteries through out his series that you're always trying to figure out.

Who was your first favorite author and why?

Lemony Snicket probably, see above.

Who is the most recent addition to your favorite authors and why?

Um, sorry guys I'm not much of a reader. Do bloggers count as authors? Because if they do then you're all under this question. Apparently I need to read the Do Hard Things by Brett and Alex Harris, you guys seem to like that one. Oh, and I like the book Dateable by Justin Lookadoo and Hayley DiMarco.

If someone asked you who your favorite authors were right now, which authors would pop out of your mouth?

God he wrote the best book!

So... I tag..
(I'm little short of six)

Get tagging!

1 comment:

SamanthaMarie said...

Lemony Snicket is quite a lovely author, his books are interesting for sure :D

Dateable is GREAT, and so is anything else by Justin... I haven't read anything else of Hayleys, but both are splendid authors!