Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Are you on fire? Or what then?

Still not caught up on my devos which is key to this blog. Tonight was the last meeting before my trip up to ThunderBay. (FYI the dates for that is July 5 - 12. That would be just as a heads up - I won't be on that week but I'll be journaling and I'll post it all up at a later time).

So anyways, these people are amazing! I love them all. These are the people who are really on fire for Jesus. We don't or at least try hard not to act apart from God. They are the kind of people I want to become more and more like - and then more.

Yeah, so I'm behind in my devos, which automatically makes my relationship with Jesus weakened and strained. But even so (and I will get back on track because when I'm not on track with Jesus it feels like my whole life is off track), the night was still so good.

I cannot spend time around these people without getting excited for the things that God is doing. I never get bored when I'm with them. You might say well there always there those days that don't go that way (granted, they come but they're really rare when I'm with these guys). There is never a time when we can't praise God for the things he's doing because he's always working in ways we don't see even when we don't know it.

That just made me think of our hearts - they just keep beating. We don't tell them continuously to beat, we'd die if that were the case. They do it anyways even when we sleep. God is always at work (and he never malfunctions either, unlike our feeble hearts).

There is never a time when God's promises aren't true. We can always have a hope in Jesus and his word. And he always has plans for us. Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future".

1 comment:

CaseyMay said...

Steph! Girl, you are right on! I love Jeremiah 29:11!!! I love God's faithfulness to His promises too. Speaking of which, I was wondering if you were developing any lasting friendships with the people in this group, maybe that is answer to your prayer about a best friend..or at least a starting point. Great Job on pursuing the Lord daily through devotionals and for being encouraged by this group of people. I had a similar experience tonight and it brings me so much JOY. :) love it!

Thank you for taking the time to read my very long blog :) I can't relate much to the songs either, but I hope one day, some how, I can get the music to them out of my head, so then it would really come together. But who knows when that will happen? ;)

There are spiritual gifting tests you can take online or in a class. Something you might want to consider and pray about. It has really helped me to find ministries I enjoy and to help me pray about God's will for my life.

By the way, Sam is alive :) She has been super busy, I don't think I have seen her since...umm last monday. but know that she prays for you daily and thinks of you. And I do too.

Love ya my sis in Christ.