Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Rock of Ages

I finished a drawing today. I might be giving it away but it says Rock of Ages. I chose that name of God because God is there at everytime in our lives and basically through all the different ages.

My brother's a cheerleader and he did a show today. Here's a picture of him trying to be cool. :) I love this kid!


SamanthaMarie said...

I LOVE that so much. You are REALLY talented Steph. If I ever tried to come up with something like that, it would truly be a disaster! :P

Your brother is a little cutie :)

I tagged you by the way! Check out my newest blog for details.

And you can bet I'll keep you accountable and I'm glad you are up for the challenge of keeping me accountable. Ditto the personal questions, facebook is lovely for that ;)

SamanthaMarie said...

Ha, I only tagged four. Sometimes you can only do what you can do (: