Sunday, June 29, 2008

Something of an update.

Sup my friends!? How are you all doing lately?

So check it out. I have been up to pretty much nothing lately. Let's see I've been doing some art. I took a three hour nap today between 2 to 5. Um... I've been journaling more lately and it's quite different from blogging. For real. I'm hyper right now!!!

Oh. I picked up my driver's hand book today. Out my drawer that it's been sitting in for the past year... I'm such a slacker I don't even have my G1 right now when I could be driving independently with a G2 at the moment. It's so boring though.

You know what's a good song. Glass to the Arson by Anberlin. It's good at anytime of the day. Especially when it's 11:36 PM and you're hyper. Let's replay that now that it's done. The version I'm posting is the only version I've heard but I think that there is one with words.

I'll just grab my journal to see what else I've been up to. Lack of memory. Eyeball poke.

Here's summ.:

First entry: Titleless. Basically says that I love how free and innocent I am. Oh, and of course how great old people sex must be. You'd have to read it but I'm really serious. -_-

Second entry: Looking Forwards and Backwards. Basically a summary of the past year and how excited I am for this summer! (Written before my birthday)

3rd (I got lazy) entry: Seeing Matt. My mom's cousin Matt came over from Africa for a business trip and I journaled about seeing him and celebrating my birthday with that side of my family. He's a cool guy he showed me a picture of him sitting, arm around, a lion cub at a some kind of centre.

I made a special kind of calendar on the next page that I've only seen made by me. I made some big spelling mistakes that I din't bother fixing there because it would have looked bad. My thoughts: "So apparently 17 year olds don't know how to spell" because it was the day after. And I creatively used to rest of the page to play two games of connect 4 with my brother. And I won both.

Next page I made a to do list for my self and only did half the things on it.

4th (lazier): My Birthday (written on the 27th). About my birthday, obvously. In slightly more detail than I wrote here so I wouldn't forget them later.

5th: Shopping. Just a paragraph about how much I hate shopping. Swimsuit shopping is worse than bra shopping! (for you DF) And how I bought two DVDs: The Iron Giant directed by Brad Bird (my fav director) and Monsters, Inc. because I'm slowly collecting all the Pixar movies.

BTW: My brother took me to see Wall-E yesterday for my birthday and I really enjoyed it. It was cool. Ratatouille's still my favourite though.

6th (final so far): Blogging vs. Journaling. The title gives that away. That's all it was about.


I've always been a journaler. More recently a blogger. Of my own life that is, I could never do it as a career or profession! I cleaned my room recently because it was quite necessary, and I found one of my old journals. I looked inside and was devasted to remember that I had previously ripped them all out. I didn't throw them out though and found them in another place. Still devasted.

Well there's my hello for today.

1 comment:

CaseyMay said...

Hey Steph!!! Sounds like your summer is treating you quite well! We all need restful days sometimes. :)I may be seeing Walle today, I hope it's as good as you think it is, I hate it when movies disappointment, you know?

Journaling v blogging...I've thought about that one too, I do both journaling is more private but sometimes things turn out better on my blog and you get feedback (not so much with journaling)...

Hope to hear more from you soon honey!