Thursday, April 17, 2008

today and a different day (my dream)... basically

Well today was slow but durable. A couple days ago my physics teacher came up to me and was like "You seem like the kind of person that would that would be interested in helping out with an Earth week thing". Well I wasn't really, but I agreed to do it and it turns out I'll get to do some art stuff which is super cool. So today we had a short meeting and we'll be doing that stuff tomorrow. Today was also one of those rare days when I have to walk home, but it was good. My mom decided to come find me when she heard that I had to walk home. She found me and we went to a grocery store where we met my pastor (not her's, my parents go to a different church that my dad's a pastor of). They talked for what seemed like a really long time because my feet got sore. They don't see each other very often. I learned that the missionaries that I got to know when I went to Africa will be here in August, sweet! I love those guys...

So for this story I said I'd tell you yesterday. This is one of the coolest stories of when God's shown up in my life and I'm about to tell you!

About a year ago, I'll find the exact date in a minute or two, but around that time I was insecure about who I was because I was pretty quite then and still am at times (but I'm not insecure about it). My oldest posts here may entail something of how I felt. But basically I wanted for more people to know me and I figured no one could know someone who rarely spoke, so I wanted to be a louder person.

So this one day I went to my dad's youth group instead of my regular group, and I felt really lonely. I was frustrated, easily annoyed, and I had bad headaches to add to that. I cried the whole way home basically, but my dad didn't know that that was why.

The day was Friday March 9, 2007. That night I went to my room and read 1 Corinthians 13 and thought about how God loves me. I was exhausted and went to bed fully clothed afterwards. I had the most amazing dream that night, let me tell you about.

In my dream, I was leaving church and a man came up to me and proposed right there. I had never met him but I said yes anyways. He was an amazing guy and I just always wanted to be with him. At one point in my dream I was really frustrated with my garage door opener and I felt like he was waiting for me so we could go somewhere but he was so patient. My frustration peaked and went to go for hug but he came to me sooner than I could get to him. It was the most intimate hug of my life! It felt like a hole was cut inside my chest and all of my concerns and stresses were covered. I felt this amazing peace and I was just consumed, definitely really cool. There were some other (smaller) awesome things about my dream and the whole deal too.

When I woke up I was praying to God and I was just like "Why would you tease me like that?!" And for a couple minutes I had just come to the conclusion that I wouldn't get married because no guy could be that perfect. My next thought was "That's ridiculous I'm not going to base such a huge decision like that on one dream".

I nearly cried (I'm pretty sure I did) when I heard God whisper to me: "That was me hugging you". There are no words to describe that moment, but you can just imagine.

This is what I wrote as a summary the day after:

"I had the most awesome dream last night (!): Basically this guy came up to me and asked me if I'd like to marry him and we got engaged. (Awesome ring!) I didn't know him but I knew he knew me well. At one point I was feeling frustrated/rotten and I went to him and received the most intimate hug. A tight embrace that conveyed the message 'I love you'. Through out the dream I had the feeling that I was completely wanted (loved)... turns out this guy was God! [Side Note on page: Best Hug I've EVER had]".

Also later that next day, I reread 1 Corinthians 13. I'm not sure exactly what I already wrote about what I was going through at the time but basically I was in this process of figuring out who I was. Now here's 1 Corinthians 13:12(NLT) - "Now we see things imperfectly as in a cloudy mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely." God knows me! - Completely, it's a good thing. Ever since then that verse has been one of my favourties.

So that's the story of my dream. Sorry I took so long to finish this and for it's length. I'm partly putting up so much detail so that later, if I want to read it again I can without forgetting any of the details.

God is awesome, don't ever forget it!

PS I finished the drawing thing, it turned out really nice.


SamanthaMarie said...

Leaving me with a cliffhanger huh? Jeeze girl, you know how to make a good story :D I'm eagerly awaiting your next post that will explain the rest :)

That's cool that you get to do some art stuff for a good cause, that should be fun. I love that your mommy came and found you :D I think my mom would do that too, if I didn't live in a town where it would be impossible for me to walk to and from my high school :P and if she didn't work during the times I would be walking home lol.

I will definitely continue to pray for you and your friend. And I also, hope everything works out with Chelsea. She really is a sweet girl, which is just another reminder that I need to be kind to those around me... Jesus certainly wouldn't care about who was going in His prom group, He'd invite everyone!! :)

I hope you had a good time at Bible study. I'm going to have a sunset Bible study with one of my best friends tonight. I'm pretty darn excited!!

SamanthaMarie said...

I thank you for reading my blog as well :) And I thank you also for writing your blog. It's very inspiring and I love getting to know little tid-bits about you through your posts! You are an inspiring young woman.

Can't wait to hear the rest! But I pray that you wait until you have time to post it :D no sense putting off other priorities :)

Dragonflysoul said...

what an awesome dream. i see Jesus so much in that dream. i am eagerly awaiting what else you have to share from that dream also!

Dragonflysoul said...

thank you so much for sharing the rest of your dream!!

you know, the first time i read your intro to the dream a few days ago, as soon as i had read the part "and I felt like he was waiting for me so we could go somewhere but he was so patient" i KNEW that was Jesus. i thought, He's letting her know that He's here and patiently waiting to take her places she's never been before in Him. and when He proposed to you, to me that symbolizes how the church is the bride of Christ - you are a part of His church and therefore His bride also :-)

what an amazing dream. i feel so blessed to have read that. it blows my mind when God talks to people like that, and i feel so happy for you :-)

thanks again

Stephanie said...

So I just took another look at 1 Corinthians 13 last night. Here's 1 Corinthinas 13:10 (MSG): But when the Complete arrives, our incompletes will be canceled.

It made me think of how my insecurities were covered when he came to me and made me complete when he hugged me. :)

SamanthaMarie said...

I had a feeling it was Jesus too! :) I love that He comes to us in special ways. He loves opening up our hearts to His love. Our God is such an awesome God. His love knows no boundaries, becomes He's the limitless and Almighty Creator! That's something to swoon about :D

I'm also glad that your drawing turned out well!!

CaseyMay said...

WOW that was AMAZING. And so so Beautiful!