Friday, April 25, 2008

snails and a baby boy

Hmm... what to blog about.

Well today was pretty good. School was ...pretty much a bore. I've mentioned this to you Sam, that I've been going out behind my backyard lately as a place to be with God. I did that after school today. I actually went for a walk and I found two snails on a stick together. They're pretty interesting creatures the way their eyes come out and all. God made 'em - that's why.

We had a coffee house for youth tonight with some other neighbouring churches. It was oringinally planned to happen a couple weeks ago but our church was vandalized back then. We don't know who did it but they stole stuff, like laptops and tried to wreck the place up a bit. It's all cleaned up now but we haven't gotten back what was lost.

Anyways, tonight was coffee house. There were songs and a message and a lot of hang out time afterwards. Also open mic. I was practising my skateboarding and I'm definitely gonna have a bruise tomorrow on my ankle... Over all really good.

(By the way, I will fight you if you try and tell me that you spell definitely, definately - it's simply wrong! Or I could bet you all your money)

Oh! Earlier this month my English teacher left for maternity leave and she had her son yesterday (April 24, 2008). She named him Jeremy Del Gordon Sebastian. I was thinking about pregnancy the other day, and I was thinking of how cool it would be (if I ever have children) to have something living inside of you. It's almost beautiful... except for the morning sickness and whatever else comes with. The bummer about this whole thing is that I'm definitely not very fond of my new teacher! to say the least.



SamanthaMarie said...

Oh my goodness girl! I can't believe you touched those snails. I'm all for God's beautiful and intricate creation, but some of his creatures freak me out lol!! But they are interesting creatures.

I'm sorry for your church's loss, that really stinks when people act that way :(

I think about being pregnant too sometimes. It will be an amazing blessing to carry a child, if that's in God's plan for me. To have another life inside of you, wow, God really has everything perfectly planned out eh? :)

The coffee house for the youth group sounds really awesome. I wish our churches in town would do something neat like that. Maybe I'll have to suggest it ;)

Hope your bruise didn't hurt too much my friend!!

Dragonflysoul said...

wow, what a beautiful photo! what's funny is i'm terrified of bugs (except lady bugs, caterpillars, butterflies, and of course, dragonflies) but i love other creep crawlies, like worms, snails, etc.

they look so cute in your hand :-)

i too fantasize about pregnancy. it is absolutely amazing. even though people have babies every single minute and it's nothing new to anyone, it's never any less of a miracle. and to think that little baby is going with you everywhere you go until he/she is born. it's beautiful. God is beautiful!