Sunday, April 6, 2008

Physics - what happened in that class

I have this problem. It's called procrastination, and lately in my life I've seen it been getting worse.  Last friday I had a physics lab due and I had left the whole thing to the night before (horrible I know). I was thinking I could just push some buttons on a calculator and make conclusions about the results. Well, I was wrong. I stayed up really late that night... and didn't even get it done. 

By that point my brain was mush, I was exhausted and I didn't even care that most of my answers were wrong. Oh, and before I continue on, I should mention that my computer wasn't cooperating at all. At one point a message came up on my screen that said it couldn't auto-save because my entire C drive was full. I know! How ridiculous is that? I saved what little I had on a floppy disk and went to bed. 

The next day went to school with an uncompleted assignment printed, planning to play the honesty card, saying simply that I had slacked off and hope for a second chance. It works! I talked with my teacher after class and he did give me a second chance. I also promised him that it would never happen again. I didn't promise it for him though, I promised it for myself and for God. Because I do not want to be stuck in that place anymore!

I haven't done anything to my computer since then and I'm not getting anymore "drive is full" messages. I think God was just breaking me that Thursday night. For real. Last semester there was a time when I did the same thing with an art project but afterwards I never made a plan to change things. 

Today I finished that lab. One thing that keeps me from doing homework is a lack of interest, and therefore a lack of motivation. I can get distracted a lot on like the simplest of things. This very website is sometimes a distraction. So what I did was I called up one of friends and asked her to call me back again to make sure I was on track, to keep me accountable. She called back every half hour and it really helped. I didn't want to disappoint her and tell her that I slacking off. Accountability partners are great! I'd like to get a full time one sometime. 

I think I've done a good job on my lab and maybe if you guys keep responding to these blogs and let you know what mark I get on it later! If either of you like physics, and were wondering what the lab was about - it was about Newton's Second Law. Look it up if you want to know more! (F=ma) Ha! I'm such a science geek... that equation looks pretty pro if you ask me!


SamanthaMarie said...

OH man! I am right there with you on procrastination. It's a KILLER habit for me. I've really been trying to change as well. Time management is simply not something I'm good at. I feel like I have SO MUCH going on, and none of it is ever a set schedule which makes things even harder. BLARG!
Accountability partners are TRULY great things though. I have two for my spiritual life as well as just everyday stuff. It helps me keep myself on track, even a little more than normal, so that's good.

Perhaps I will post my testimony one day :) Maybe this weekend, since I finally have Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off in one go! :) It'll be lovely.

I hope all has been well with you m'dear! Your cell phone plan is quite clever :D

SamanthaMarie said...

Ugh! No, we still haven't found out who did it. I'm assuming we never will, which means we won't have any privileges anymore :( it's really... hard to deal with, but God is always bigger than any problem and I just have to remember that.

That's a really good idea to pray for people who are suicidal. I'll have to put that on my list!!

Have a fantastic day/night!! :)

Dragonflysoul said...

aww GG, i can SO understand how you were feeling. procrastination is a sickness!!! sadly, i'm still afflicted with it, have been since i was in grade school, lol.

i'm so happy and proud that you were honest with your teacher - i can see how the Lord softened his heart and let you have more time to finish it. i know the temptation to "fib" a little about why we don't get things done, can be great. so i'm glad you were honest.

i'm going to say a prayer for you, that your procrastination gets better. it's such a vicious cycle and it does not go away on it's own - believe me. i still struggle with it all the time! but be encouraged, God is bigger :-)