Friday, October 17, 2014

Redemption Story

Here’s a story of redemption. God saved me. I am a child of God. I am not the craziness I feel inside, though it is there and often remains a long time, especially when I am alone. I talk to myself, a lot. And much more, but I won’t go into to details, because I expect that someone will read these and would at least like to safeguard my sanity, whatever remains of it, for some time yet. But in an attempt to combat my lunacity I would like to endeavour to write a little everyday, for at least one week. Two hundred words a day. Exactly.

At this exact moment the two most important people in my life are Tara Knox and Nancy Pike, because geographically they are the closest to me as my next door neighbours and friends. Puzzles they are; puzzles they are. I really admire Nancy. And I really like making Tara laugh. But here’s an interesting thought: leadership. If Nancy’s in charge, ... how can I tell her that all I really want is a hug? If Nancy and Tara are best friends, how do I fit into the mix? More next time - have a goodnight!

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