Monday, October 20, 2014

Redemption Story - Day 4

Here is a story of redemption. I am saved by God. I am a child of God.

After upgrading to Yosemite, I decided I wanted to change a couple desktop images. I found a nice one in the plant folder called ‘Summer Leaves’ of nice green maple leaves. Left it up for a few days but something really bothered me about it - the leaves were green. As a Canadian I felt they should be red. So I just finished editing it now so that they are indeed red. Looks nice, really nice. I like being Canadian.

...But apparently that’s all I have to say on that point.

If I were to tell you that I don’t know what exactly I’m doing, I would be lying. I am using my fingers to type you a story, a story about love, that I know so little about. Love great mysteries of mysteries. To be known and to know fully. Love. Love of Christ to his Bride the Church. Hmm. Self-giving love. Marriage. Man and woman together. What on earth! Beautiful! Something really holy and majestic. Not something to be understood systematically but by faith. That explains others things, too, I guess.

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