Friday, January 2, 2009

Life Right Now

Lately I've been a little bit out of the Word. Partly because of business, partly because I think I'm not being fed by my small group because we're doing a back to the basics thing with our church and I really want to get into something deeper. All excuses aside, it's really a shame for two reasons. First is that this is the Christmas break. So for me that means that I should be spending more time with God, not less time praising Him for all that he did. I had a second reason, I know it... Secondly, when I read less I pray less and that just sucks. It affects all of me.

There are so many things I could be praying for too. One thing that's been on my mind lately is one of me cousins. She's one of my favourite cousins to hang out with. Her family isn't Christian and she's 22, perfectly capable of making decisions for herself. After finishing the Christmas dinner we were sitting together and she got up. I thought maybe to get a drink from the kitchen or to go to the washroom or something. She came back a little while later and smelt of smoke. It made me really sad to smell that. She drinks out at parties and stuff and I wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't a virgin either. (But I'm very glad I've been given no reason to believe that!)

Her sister, on the other hand, is an amazingly strong Christian finishing her last year at Liberty U. I bet she's praying for her and I want to be too.

Also, I really want to be praying about the one dream I've really been given and hold on to. It's a dream of community for the church. Something like Acts 2. I'm dreaming of a place where people really know each other. Where our age doesn't limit those who we care for and spend time with. For a people that prays like crazy all the time. A place where there's trust and accountability. Something like that....

I want to do a study on covenant and I want to get a new NASB study Bible as soon as possible. And I need to finish a painting for art class.

1 comment:

SamanthaMarie said...

It's hard my dear friend. And you are right, when one part of your spiritual life slips away pretty much everything else quickly follows. I'm learning how vital quiet times with Jesus are. I will be praying that you get some good time in with Him (: and don't feel guilty if you miss a day or two or three or a week. We've all been there, and as long as you truly ask for forgiveness and forgive yourself there is no reason you can't pick right back up where you and Jesus last left off :D

That dream for the church is a vital one. We all need to praying for those things.

NASB Study Bible is the bomb :D

Love you girl, hope all is improving and that you are well and healthy :D