Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Home, eh?

Hey, I'm at home right now. Bored. So, if you're in the same situation, feel free to draw a picture, the best you can do and put it on your blog.

In the mean time I'll teach you about the word eh. It's a Canadian word that other people just don't seem to get. But I get it, so don't worry.

Well, it's not a greeting. It's not another word for hello, hi, hey, howdy, 'sup, or any other word of that type. And you don't tag it on to greetings saying "Hi eh!" either.

What you basically do with the word eh is tag it on to the end of a statement and it becomes a question.

For example, I'm in Idaho, it's just snowed and a friend comes over. You might say "It's cold out." A Canadian in that same situation could tag the word eh on the end making it a question. "It's cold out, eh?" And so what it does is it gives the other person a chance to respond, "Yeah, it is really cold", or "I guess, but aren't you Canadian? I thought you were supposed to be used to this stuff".

Other examples...

"That exam was really hard, eh?" .... "Nah, I studied"

"You totally nailed that triple kick flip thing the other day, eh?" .... "Sorry, wrong gal"

"That guy's pretty good-looking, eh?" .... "Yeah, I just wish he were a Christian"

"You guys haven't commented on my blog lately, eh?" .... "(Your response goes here)"

I think you get the idea. And I'm looking forward to seeing some good drawings soon!

1 comment:

Dragonflysoul said...

i've had several canadian teachers in my lifetime (in HS and in college) and they all used to "eh". i always loved it.