Friday, May 29, 2009

Ahhh thoughts!!!

I have too many of them... Lots of praying. Lots of learning. I need to make a few calls to a few people.

There just so many people to be thinking about and I don't know how to grasp the different things that are all happening, which in one moment can feel like nothing if I should choose not to act on it. Different opportunities are coming up relationally. As in notices of the women's Bible study potentially starting next fall are coming out and I really want to get involved with that but I've had no success in contacting mama scooch who's starting that up.
I just got a friend's new phone number today that I've been trying get for a while because show up to church in a bigger while than that. I need to call her as soon as possible.
Then there's one of my sister's friends is being harassed by a girl a couple years older than her who's seriously dangerous. I've invited her to youth. I would like to see her come out soon. And see both her and her harasser come to know Jesus.
Then there's youth that was really strange tonight because there was so many of the younger one and hardly any older ones. It's like I really am leaving the high school scene or at least that general age group by the end of this year. But I'm going back for another semester and I'll still be in town for all of next year at least. So I've been thinking. Well at the last servant's board (the youth leadership) meeting my pastor Chad was talking to the gr12s graduating that if we could we would be welcome and he'd be more than glad if we'd still come out next year to be leaders for the gr8s coming up next year. And there's some pretty crazy gr8s and I know I won't be able to do it on my own strength. I think, in general, it would be a very cool opportunity but I'd die sooner than I'd be able to or want to do it on my own.
My friend I need to call would be a great role model for the them and would have a great influence if she would come out again. She would have a huge influence on the younger girls.
And maybe I'm hoping for too much in all of this but I think it be cool to get some kind of prayer thing with the C&C girls going on for the summer. I really really need something like that right now. That I can just trust and talk to and pray about stuff.

But more importantly than all of those things, I just want my focus to belong to Jesus and Jesus alone. I really want to grow in him so badly. Hmmmm. Just take His beautiful name in and love it. Love Him. Breathe Him in, let His Spirit being the driving force in what we do.

And my brother's birthday is tomorrow. We're going to see the movie Up tomorrow. I'm super excited for it! I really big fan of pixar fans. Ooops. You know what I mean, I'm tired. I might give a review of it. Goodnight my friends, I hope you're all doing well.

1 comment:

CaseyMay said...

Wow girl!
That's a lot going on. Definatley some awesome opportunities to witness and mentor!
I would definately encourage you to lead the grade 8 girls! I did that and it was one of the best experiences! I learned so much.

Keep us updated!