Friday, March 27, 2009


Today wasn't the greatest of days, but it also wasn't the worst either. It's weird almost like how things were when I went on that spiel. There are just some people I don't understand at all. That I do love and would absolutely love to understand. It's nothing that's said. It's just there in the way things are done, in their personality or something. And she thinks she's so cool. And I'm not. I really don't think she likes me. Other people who either like or are indifferent to me think she's cool I'm sure. Anyways, whatever. It's doesn't upset me, and it's not new. I just don't understand. She's like a puzzle and I never see her guard let down. But maybe that's how I look to her...

1 comment:

Dragonflysoul said...

it's hard when we don't understand people or when people seem to not like us - especially when you haven't done anything to offend them!

i'm sorry you were (or maybe still are) feeling confused. i can hear from your words that you were bothered. i hope you're feeling better! i've learned that though it always stings when things of that nature happen, we can't control how others behave or how/what they think, and we can't always understand why people are the way they are. it's hard to swallow and hard to let go of that need for understanding, but it's a must if we want to keep our sanity :-)