Thursday, October 18, 2007

My Thoughts About Writing A Credo

For my world religions class I had to write a credo. Basically a short summary of what I belief. Easy enough, I wrote about how I believe in the Bible. But what would have happened if I refused to write a credo? What if I wrote that I believe that a person's beliefs will be shown by their actions and leave it at that. I wonder what kind of impression that would give. I wonder if my teacher would pay more attention to the things that I say and the things that I do to see if I'm really living out the life I claim to.... Anyways, just a random thought.

In my credo I included this poem called Teen Creed. It really shows what I believe. I didn't write it though, it's a really common poem.

Don't let your parents down,
They brought you up.
Be humble enough to obey,
You may give orders someday.
Choose your companions with care,
You become what they are.
Guard your thoughts,
What you think, you are.
Choose only a date
Who would make a good mate.
Be master of your habits,
Or they will master you.
Don't be a show off when you drive,
Drive with safety and arrive.
Don't let the crowd pressure you,
Stand for something or you'll fall for anything.

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