Thursday, October 11, 2007

Here's what's on my mind...

I think that everybody will know what I'm talking about when I say that it's a very very rare thing to find a person who is gifted in both math/science type subjects and also English/history type subjects... and I won't even go as far to say that you have to be gifted in one to not like the other, it's just not common to be good at both. They're just two different personalities.

I'm definitely more of a math person for sure, I love it! But sometimes I wish I could just transfer some of my skill to writing essays. Man I hate those things (disgusted noise goes here). I've got five days left 'til a big one's due and I've hardly made progress since the beginning. That's frustrating.

Hmm... well homework's just piling on now and I don't really know what I'm doing. It feels kinda like I'm just going through the motions, dealing with one thing after another. Where's the time for God? Can I even associate myself with Christ if I'm not living the way I should, if I'm not doing the best that can for Him? I guess it's just a valley, well yeah.

I think that I'm changing as a person right now and I feel weighed down by different things, doesn't really matter whether they're big or small, it's all the same. And, I'm a little bit stressed. Life's so different without my older friends who are now at college and university. I cried a bit the the first week after they left because I missed them so much but I can't do that anymore. I love 'em all and would to keep our friendships going but if that doesn't work out so well life's gonna keep going anyways.

I don't even know what the point of this blog is... it's a good way to get stuff off my mind though. Yeah, that's all I wanted to say.

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