Tuesday, March 2, 2010

hmmph... can you relate to any of this?

Well, I didn't post anything this Sunday. So I suppose I'll write something now.

Really, my life is fairly boring most of the time. What to write...

Do you know that there's a girl in my mind that I imagine I might like being? That is if I were someone different from myself. A very nerdy, simple girl. I imagine her spending lots of time in the library just learning. Someone who likes to write. Like - a lot. More than I ever have, and she dreams of writing a book to which I could relate. A regular person, as far as I am regular. Maybe someone like me would be a main character. And in those pages, my mind and thoughts might be more beautifully verbalized and explained. Almost poetry, but not quite leaving the realm of prose. Perhaps if such a book were written, an understanding of the usual could be revealed through the things unsaid. The day to day happenings might let what is raw be seen.

The cover would be very plain, just the title on the side. Nothing to attract you to it. Yet, if someone should find it, a treasure would lie inside, waiting to be found.

(Yuck, I'd hate to think I just made a metaphor for myself.)

Simply put, I like the idea of being a big reader. But I have yet to find a book to which I can relate. To a certain extent, I can't help but think that whether fiction or not, it would be a waste of time to read and not have your thinking changed in some way.

I'm hooked on reality. I'm hooked on soberly building relationships and getting to know someone's 'character', if you will. Yet, there's still a longing to escape because the people in my life seem to just remain faces, rather than thinking persons with their own history, directions and passions. And once again, I'll come to the place where I can say I'm stuck. So that's all the conclusion you get out of me for now. I'm stuck and I have nothing else to add to that. Lest I should say something after this....

Nope. Well, actually I'll leave you with this: I'm stuck but I still hope.


Lorraine said...

i love this post...there are times when i also think of the same thing as yours.(:

oryxland said...

well, I think if you'r looking for something our someone the first step to find it ,is being that person and try to creat that thing