Saturday, August 23, 2008

Canoe Trip 08

I just got back from my canoe trip earlier today. I meant to mention that I would be going in my last post, sorry about that for those of you who are tuned in. This one was the trip I had asked for prayer about a while back.

So, obviously, I went. It was a good trip I've got to say, up in that Algonquin area. You probably don't know where that is. You should know (because I'm telling you right now) that I was the oldest girl on the trip, including leaders. I guess they couldn't find a female and so 17-year-old me was the oldest there. It was a little weird. That was the cut off age because any one older and not a leader would go to C&C. I think a female leader would've been good but I don't think it changed much.

This kind of camping is the real kind of camping, the kind that takes hard work. Hours of canoeing and portaging. But worth it. If you've read my older posts you'll know that my primary reason for coming was for leadership. I gave up time with my really awesome cousin from Africa to do this, and that was the dilemma.

So I think I got that chance just by trying to live out that servant's role. And one of my friends my age recognized me as a leader in prayer, which was actually an answer to prayer. Funny, eh? We also have a group of usually older youth who get to be a part of the youth leadership called the servant's board. We had a servant's board meeting with my pastor out in the woods and talked about youth events and other things. I honestly have a lot of dreams for this group and it's a real committment.

There were also the fun times too. Like throwing oranges up and down the rock side of the site, pretty much fetching them when they were thrown down into the water and getting scrapes while you're at it. You would have to be there. Making a Kevin Jonas shaped pancake with a friend while in the kitchen. Making hemp everything. A friend actually thought she saw a moose at night but really it was just some sticks out in the water. Etch a sketching for sure. Canoe games with lots of tipping. And don't forget being really dirty. Yeah lots of fun.

Oh, um I start school sometime next week. I have an awesome schedule I couldn't have asked for much better. And a really cool job opportunity has come up. There's a newly built Christian Horizons place in my town and I'm probably going to apply there within the next couple days. If you could pray for that it would be awesome! Thanks, love you guys.

1 comment:

SamanthaMarie said...

Sounds like a super awesome canoe trip girl (: Glad that you had a good time. I'm also really glad you got to do some serious servant leadership, that's awesome! (:

I will be praying about the job, what kind of stuff would you be doing?

School is starting for everyone! It seems so crazy. It feels like practically yesterday that I was graduating. Where did the summer go?