Sunday, January 24, 2010

someone simply pleasant

this weekend was c&c snocamp weekend. very refreshing. like one new breath of good air.

now this weekend. at c&c. there was a band. a band i would say is too popular to be playing at a weekend thing like this was, but they were there. i won't tell you who they were. i'll keep that a secret for myself. i'll give you a hint though, they've been touring with the newsboys lately. maybe that gives you an idea of where they're going.

one very cool thing about them is that, i would say, they are very down to earth. yesterday when dinner was more or less coming to an end. i took my orange juice and went over to their table where they were sitting and got to hang out with them a bit.

they also had orange juice of their own. so i think of that time as having an orange juice with them. y'know, we were having an orange juice together, and then i spilt mine of course. how embarrassing. the bassist who i was sitting beside helped me clean it up. it was a little funny.

after that point, he and i talked for a while. it was so simple. he was just so good to talk with. it's not like we spoke as if we had always known each other but it was just good. so good. like he's the kind of guy i'd want to get to know and be best friends with. i heart him. i really, really liked him. i have no way of practically reaching him again now. unless i want to be a creeper and go to the their next concert.

and i could've had my picture taken with him yesterday. i didn't though because a lot of people were and i felt like it wouldn't be special in someway, plus i figured i could get one today. but things don't always work that way. it's like my biggest regret of the weekend now, but i suppose that's ok.

it's not even like anything of significance happened. it's just he made me smile. even when i think of him now. i don't know. i just know i wish someone like him could be a part of my life. *sigh* so i'll wait. at least he gives me hope. in some sweet, innocent kind of way. maybe even some naive way, i just love him. and i simply had to write something to that point here. sorry. <3 this makes me sound like i'm five. what can you do.

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