Sunday, December 23, 2007


So today is a Sunday, and a typically Sunday would mean my mom would drop me off at my local church, then she would be her way with my brother and sister to the church where my dad pastors.

This Sunday is the Sunday before the Christmas of 07 and my mom asked me to go with them to their church. So I did. It was a good day we ate at some restaurant for lunch which is a really rare ocassion and there was a great Christmas presentation in the evening. (Their presentations is one of the things I really love about that church).

Then comes the end of the show and I go down to nursery where my brother and his ten year old friends play gameboy together. There was also this random guy in the room who couldn't speak English very well. He was the creeper. He came over to me and started talking to me about the bracelet I was wearing. He pointed to it and then started feeling my wrist and hand. He stopped and then asked me if I had a boyfriend. What a creep!

Honestly, I was scarced of him and what was on his mind for the rest of the night. What if he managed to get me in the nursery on my own and raped me! Well that probably wouldn't happen since there would be other people in nearby rooms that I could easily call for. I never want to see that guy again....

My friend Michelle met a creeper like that when we were in Africa. It was the guy who was selling us souvenir stuff and when she told me I joked about it. Now I can see that that's clearly not what I should have done. She at least has a boyfriend to tell off any creeper that comes her way...

I guess I'll just finish off by saying that if you're a girl (or a guy) and a random person comes up to you and feels ANY part of you, pull away and completely avoid them!!

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