Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The Pianist

May 12, 2015

Dear Friends,

Hopeful melodies fill my house. This is its design. The pianist plays from above; those of us below receive its gift. How wonderful!

The playful music fills one’s soul with cheer. The world is all right tonight. Maybe it shouldn’t seem so but in this moment the crashing waves are kept at bay. I have One in whom I can trust. And so I find my lungs expand with breath. Can one complain in such a moment as this? No, no, certainly not.

Your fingers tell a better story than your lips. Your mind is one of great creativity; I wish I could see inside. I wish I could know your thoughts as you play. Call me up to you. Include me as a stepping note in your song. Let me dance in the life you give. That’s where I want to be.

Let joy light the fire. Let laughter erupt from the overflow. The rest will be all right.

My mind on a platter, 

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