Saturday, July 11, 2009

Camp Week

Hey so, this is the beginning of the week of camp for my friends who are going up to Thunder Bay. If you guys could just be praying that God would do some really great things up there whenever you think of it, much thanks to youu.

This week I'll be at my grandparents. I get to see all my cousins together again. I'm so excited!!! I love it when we're all together. But another prayer request - my Papa had mini stroke recently so his well being is something of concern, espescially before the anniversary. Pray that he would get better please.

I got a video camera which I'm super excited to start using for cool things. I've just kind of been playing around with it so far. I wanna do some video journals - that sounds fun!

Now cool story. When I had finished grade 1 I moved with my family to where I live now. But I always remembered some of my friends from kindergarten and grade 1. I found one of them on facebook like a year ago and was disappointed to see who he had become because it's the total opposite of the kind of friend I would want now. I remember him being fun, smart and creative (and honestly wanted to marry, when we were in grade one). But he's just different.

Then, I find my gr1 class photo. Recheck his fb page. Start looking through some pictures and find the kindergarten photo and tagged was one of my other friends who's last name I couldn't remember. I decided to add her and we've been chatting and I would definitely call her a Christian based on what I know. She's an Egyptian, (how cool, right?) so she's of the Coptic Orthodox "brand" I'll say. I think there's a few minor theological differences but Jesus is definitely Lord. So it's just really cool and I hope to keep chatting with her some more. She seems like a really cool person and as disappointed as I was about the first guy, I'm excited that I found her. Pretty cool... :)

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