Monday, December 8, 2008

Peasant Princess

I've been going through a video series of sermons called the Peasant Princess from Mars Hill Church. It's a series based on the Song of Songs and you can find it at or off iTunes podcasts for free. I just finished watching the last one today and I found that they were really good. That book really isn't spoken on often enough.

Through out the series you get to know Mark Driscoll, the pastor, and his wife Grace. The last video concluded the series by talking about parenting. Generally I really like they way they have their family set up, as parents of five children. And I'm realizing that parents ultimately are the ones who set up what the family looks like and how it functions. They have the ability to set up their families in anyway they like.

Obviously they have God as the main focus for their lives and family, and that's gotta be number 1. Watch the 10th video and you'll probably like it too. There's a lot of great things. This is hard for me to explain. Prayer at the core of it happening frequently in normal life. A really close family. "Daddy dates". There was a lot to be said about fathers and daughters.

I'm realizing that that's the kind of thing I would want for myself if God blesses me with a family one day. I also have a lot of dreams for what the church could look like one day as a functioning body, as a community. I want my church family to be close the way a family should be, praying for one another. I think that there's a lot that the church could learn from a well functioning family. Love should be seen in both.

1 comment:

SamanthaMarie said...

That sounds like a really good sermon series.
I recently (as in tonight) just began baby-sitting for a family that looooves Jesus. It has been a LONG time since I've seen children that want to say prayers and talk about Jesus. It has been a looong time since I've seen parents that care SO much about their children that they actually hard core interview the baby-sitter beforehand. They love their children with the heart of God. It's beautiful. You can just tell those children are loved on, taken care of, and nurtured spiritually.

I think I'll be checking those out. Thanks for letting us know about them (: