Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Museum

Today I went to visit the McMichael Canadian Art Collection. Honestly, kind of boring. Mostly landscape art. I guess it's kinda cool to see original "masterpieces" as they call them, but I don't know any crazy group of 7 fan I could tell in a far country that I saw them in person. You know the group of 7. It's a lot of their work that I saw. I thought Lawren S Harris paintings were really pretty. I'd put a picture of one here but the real ones would put them all to shame too easily. What's the most famous piece of original art you've ever seen?

1 comment:

SamanthaMarie said...

I've seen the Mona Lisa (: it was pretty legit.
But I loved the painting of the Sistine Chapel best :D Definitely recommend it if you can get over to good ol' Europe!