Friday, November 28, 2008

Honor Academy

I've been thinking a lot about the Honor Academy today. This past October I went to Acquire the Fire and I filled out an application for the HA without thinking too much about because they said it was free to apply if you did it that week. So I did that got some reference forms filled and finished that up. I had a phone interview and then, maybe 10 days ago I got a call that I was accepted!

Casey was blogging about all this last June. I guessing it was pretty much the exact same story, with ATF and all. But I never gave much of a thought to what it was all about.

But I've been accepted and I'm so excited about it! If this isn't where God wants me to be than I have no idea where else and He could want me. The biggest thing is money. It's $7800 bt that's more like $9000-something for me because I'm Canadian. Plus things like flight tickets and other smaller things make it all add up. And I know God can provide. Now I just have to wait for my acceptance package... exciting!

Casey, can you tell me if any of these names sound fimilar? James Sipes. Chelsea Arnold. A girl named Laura interviewed me. And the girl who's been contacting me lately spells her name Allyson but I don't know her last name yet.

1 comment:

CaseyMay said...

OMG! Steph that's amazing!!! Are you coming JAnuary or August? I believe I know Alysson who may go by Aggie, if that's her than she knows me really well! We have to chat Steph! I'm so excited for you!!!! We have to talk. Are we freinds on Facebook? If so, than that'd be a good way to talk. Let me know!