Sunday, July 27, 2008

Random things


I just came by to blog, cause that's always fun.

Yeah, so I've been taking a real interest in music lately. I don't know what I wrote about in the "How It Went" blog but I might not have mentioned that some of the girls that I went with were really musical. They brought up a keyboard, a jambe (hand drum) and a guitar (obviously). And so these three girls could all play all three instruments and so sometimes between songs they would switch, and it was great. But I'd really love to get into the theory of music, learning chords and stuff so I can write songs. That would be awesome. I love math, I've probably said before and I love all art so music in that sense is perfect because it's like making art with math. Even now I'm spending time blogging when I could be taking in info from By the way, if you're interested in that kind of thing then that is the website for you!

So enough about that. I'm going to Belize in something like two days time to visit some relatives (my aunt and cousins) who live in that country. They don't know Jesus so if you feel like praying for me, you could pray that I get some good chances to talk with them, or at least the one I know I'll be spending time with. Much thanks from me for that!

Yeah, so I know I haven't been blogging a whole lot in the late and that could blamed on a number of things. But one reason I haven't been blogging much is because of my journaling. Don't get me wrong here. I love both, and there are different advantages to both. And one huge contrast between the two is the privacy level. So if I'm not blogging, or if I'm inconsistent with it and I attribute that to my journaling, it just means that I want to keep it real here. I want to keep it honest and so sometimes I'd rather post nothing than posting things for the sake of posting things.

Oh and another thing that I was thinking about earlier today that's been bugging me is this: a couple days ago I was watching Family Feud. And the host asked the constants to name one of the four places the people surveyed thought were mostly likely to go when looking for love. The number one answer was clubs, and the church was the fourth answer, only worth two points! I think that's rediculous and really says something about the church. That really bugs me. You don't find love in clubs, and I've never been to one but I'm pretty sure it'd be more likely for you to find drinks and maybe sex after the party's over. It's stupid.

That's all!


retrobellewife said...

Wow, the music study sounds really interesting. I love music, but I prefer listening rather than atually having a hand in it. That is so cool you are looking into it though.
Journaling is a great thing. I mean blogging is good, but I understand the personal level thing. If I weren't constantly on the computer, I'd definately journal more, but the computer is a little easier for me most of the time. I type faster than I write now! :) When I lose the internet next week though, I am sure I will be finding more comfort with my journal!
As far as the Family Feud thing goes..... it kind of goes two ways. I mean, you are so right about finding "love" in a club. I just so don't agree with that theory. Clubs aren't exactly the type of place to find someone sober and honest. Chances are- people going there are looking for a little something more. I don't know about going to church to find love though. I mean if you do- wonderful. I just don't think we should go to church to find that man we are waiting for. We should go to learn about God and better understand His love for us. God will allow us to find our love where and when He knows to be the right time and place. But sure- I would much rather meet my love at church than a club. In fact, I never had intentions of going to a club anyway. Church is something that should be meant for God, though- not finding boys. You know?
Great post by the way. Hope you enjoy your trip!

Stephanie said...

This is what I wrote on Paige's blog in case anyone was thinking the same thing about clubs and the church:

Yes, I know what you mean by saying you shouldn't go to church to find a boy but the question only said places to go to find love, not a b/g friend. And the church should be a place known for it's love, Christians should be the most loving people because we know the love that Christ has giving us. And I was disappointed when I saw that because that's simply not what we're known for.