Sunday, February 14, 2010

I wish people could see...

I'm just so sick of waiting. And no, this isn't Valentine related even though it's the 14th. I'm not talking about the boys. Whether they ever come or not, at this time, I really could care less.

I'm thinking of the same thing I always thinking about. I'm sick of waiting for something to change because I feel like no progress is ever made. Every time something looks like it might hold possibility, I hope. My heart hopes and longs, and then gets let down. The waiting is very, very hard, and the worst thing is that I have no idea whether waiting is even what I'm supposed to be doing or if there's something I could be doing or saying or being that would better help.

Oh well, something to pray about I guess. I'm just so sick of waiting.


Dragonflysoul said...

i can relate to the sickness that you feel as you wait.

i, too, am waiting. forever it seems. i, too, am sick of it. i wish i could give you some answers. but i hope you're encouraged to know someone understands.

Stephanie said...

hmm thank you.

Lorraine said...

well, looks like there's already three of us waiting for the same thing.
it's almost everyday that i think of it. maybe this is stress.