Saturday, September 6, 2008

Read Me

I wish I could put up something interesting to grab everyone's attention, but I really have nothing to say. Umm... there was the drama of one of my friends moving away for about two days and now she's back to stay. The first youth event was last night and we went bowling and I played decently.

My life is a bit boring at the moment. That not particularily a bad thing though. I have cousins visiting from BC at my house right now. They're 3 and 1 years old, I think. Cute kids... I've been a bit sick this past week but I'm almost better.

I'm gonna type up part of one of my very recent journals.

09.04.08:Hmm... how often is it that I turn to my journals to record the daily events of my life? I try to encorporate as often as I can my thoughts and feelings about those things, but alas, this is what they've become!

For once, I would like to write something that forces you to think about what you're reading. I don't really know how but I think I miught like to try.

A thought crossed my mind today as I say th the doctor's office's waiting room, I tried to get it on paper but my mom saw what I was doing and I lost appetite.

What happens when the eyes if two strangers meet? Eye contact is said to be a personal thing, so even if thtat glims only lasts a split second, have you not shared something personal with someone to whom you fing yourseld completely unfamiliar?

And another thing, does the colour pink mix with the Y chromosome? The idea is still new to me but being the artist that I am, I like it. Green isn't a clour only reserver for boys, and likewise, neither is pink for girls. My brother owns a pink shirt that he wears, but I wouldn't expect much from my dad for a long while yet!
And feel free to just drop me a line any times...

If you want a great website to check out . There's all kinds of neat ideas, and it's added to frequently.


CaseyMay said...

Hey Steph! Sorry I have been such a stranger, I have been really busy!

Drama is no fun. I am keeping you in my prayers my dear!

~standing on His Promise~

SamanthaMarie said...

I answered your question that you left on my blog on my latest post lol.

I hope you are enjoying your time with your family!

Often I will get the itch to write something thought-provoking, often I fail, but you did quite well :D That's an interesting question to pose. I never really thought about it before. But it's true, you can see a stranger and I think have a deep connection with them with just a glimpse. It has happened to me before and I'll find myself wondering what would have happened if I had walked over and talked to them or if they had walked over and talked to me.

How many chances do we miss to meet someone great because it just isn't part of our society to go up to a stranger and randomly introduce yourself?

And boys can and should most definitely wear pink. I like it :D

Dragonflysoul said...

"What happens when the eyes if two strangers meet?"

i LOVED that. sounds like the perfect first line of a poem. i think you should write a poem based on that very question. sounds so romantic :-)

when the eyes of two strangers meet, it is a powerful split second. for me, i always feel a second of intensity, no matter whose eyes i'm meeting, male or female.

it's something about staring right into the windows of someone's soul that quickens my heart's pace.