Sunday, April 13, 2014

Third Time Ever Attending Mass

I attended Mass for the third time ever this Sunday at St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Parish in Moose Jaw today for Palm Sunday. (The first two times were a few weeks ago). Everything's starting to become more familiar to me, less alien. The last two times my hands got clammy through the services, just cause. I wouldn't say I was afraid or anything but I guess it was a response to everything being so new, maybe I was nervous. But that didn't happen today, which is really cool. The more I get to know them the more I can affirm that we do share one faith, as I've been writing lately. And we had a pancake breakfast after the service!

For the time being I'm getting used to not being able to share the Eucharist with them as an Evangelical but I'm praying for the day when that will change. Were one family, with the same Lord and faith, and some big theological difference remain between us, I don't see any reason why we can't work toward visible unity in this area. Visible unity must obviously proceed from inner invisible unity, and that's something that we need to work on, too. But I think we have more in common than we often would like to admit.

Since I'll be in Moose Jaw for the summer, I think I'd like to keep attending with some regularity, maybe getting to know more people in the church. My friend Brandi, with whom I've been attending, says she always prays for the families she sees throughout the service. I think that's really cool; I want to be like that. And I want to get to know to know them better and learn if and how I can get more involved as an Evangelical.

And funny story, we went to Giant Tiger after Mass. We got out of the car and this older lady comes up to me and says, "It's so beautiful that the sun is shining!" She put her hand on my arm and so I gave her a hug in turn. She's said, "It's so good to see you." I agreed with her and smiled. I told Brandi afterward that I had no clue who she was and we laughed. She seemed like a sweet lady. Maybe I'll run into her again this summer! Fun times in the MJ. #livingthelife :)

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