Saturday, May 17, 2008

100 Things About Me

A few other bloggers have inspired me to write this. Basically a list of things that you could know but didn't (or did) pick up or just don't know. I'll use numbers. I think it would be cool if you guys could point out specific ones that either are completely true or false of you. There won't be any particular order. Now let's see how far I get.

1. My real name isn't a secret if you read my blogs.
2. I would have loved to take diving lessons when I was younger.
3. I passed all of my swimming lessons until level 9 when I quit.
4. One year I took swimming lessons with a good friend of mine named Katie, who I didn't know at the time.
5. Last year, every Friday after school girls would go to Katie's house to talk and pray. It was called VENT (Valuing Each others Needs Together). I really missed it this year when she left to go to school in New Brunswick.
6. I have no idea what I'm going to do with my life after high school.
7. I also don't know exactly how tall I am. Maybe 5'2 or 3". I'm a shortie and I think it's cute.
8. I have been told that my memory is like a steel trap. I try to remember everything that happens in my life and I remember the first time I realized I couldn't remember everything. I was shocked. (still pretty young at that time)
9. I wish I were closer to more people.
10. I love Jesus! I want to love and know him more. I think he is beautiful in every way. And God is doing good things in me and I'm pretty he's using me too.
11. Purple is and always has been my all-time favourite colour.
12. Today I slept for most of the day, which isn't usual. I hope I can get some sleep tonight.
13. I really am quite the night owl but I wish I weren't.
14. I went to Malawi, Africa this past summer on a missions trip. You can read more about that in my previous posts if you haven't already.
15. I was hurt emotionally in Africa but things have changed since then.
16. In the plane, I was completely fascinated and captivated by the sky, and by God's beauty. When I got a window seat I took so many pictures I made a whole album on Facebook of my shots.
17. My favourite smell in all the world is the smell of Africa. If the possibility of going back were at hand right now, it would be a really nice bonus if not a big pull factor.
18. I love art and wouldn't be myself without it. I try to be good at graffiti.
19. I need a new purity ring.
20. The song Dive by Steven Curtis Chapman is my all-time favourite song.
21. My least favourite type of music is country.
22. I pick my nose sometimes. What are you gonna do?
23. I live in Canada and wouldn't doubt that I have a Canadian accent. I'm more southern then Sam and Casey.
24. I can't vote for American Idol, which is one of my favourite shows. If you live in the U.S., I've said this before but please vote for Archuleta, for me. If he doesn't win I'm blaming you guys.
25. I wasn't born in Canada but in Belgium because my parents were missionaries.
26. My parents are still together and I'm really thankful for that. I would probably die if that changed, but not literally because God would help me through it. I would NEVER want that to happen, ever.
27. My favourite chapter in the Bible is Matthew 6.
28. I haven't read the whole Bible yet but I'm working on it. I'll be done by the end of August.
29. Beth Moore is one of my favourite speakers.
30. I'm realizing this takes a lot of time to write.
31. From senior kindergarten to gr8 I was in French immersion.
32. I quit afterwards because I didn't have any good friends at that school and now I'm slowly forgetting the language.
33. I wish I had a Macbook.
34. I have a thing for looking at people's fingers and toes and the shape of their nails.
35. I did an art-a-thon earlier this year, and did art for 24 hours. I didn't enjoy it that much because of my partner.
36. The highlights of it were that I told my friend Natalie that she has really nice toes and that I loved them. That's kinda been a joke since then.
37. The other highlight was delivering cookies in the middle of the night.
38. I didn't take a shower today and I feel gross.
39. I always tap on things when I listen to music and one time I was drumming on my lamp and the glass broke. Now it's taped together and no one really knows that that happened.
40. I am a virgin and intend to keep it that way until my wedding night.
41. I love hearing testimonies, I retell tell all my favourite ones over time.
42. I've seen a video of an ex-porn star's testimony but it's too detailed to retell. Her name is Shelly Lubben, look her up.
43. Math is one of my favourite subjects and I'm taking all three next year.
44. Biology fascinates me and I wish I had taken chemistry this year.
45. Last semester, I played the bass in my music class but skipped out on both the public performance days because I was too worried I would be the only bassist there.
46. I have no allergies.
47. I don't wear glasses or contacts and have never had anything else done to my eyes. In other words, I don't have eye problems.
48. I have brown hair and brown eyes.
49. My dad is left handed.
50. I wish I were ambidextrous. However, I already use the mouse with my left hand, I play sports like hockey, baseball, golf in the left handed position, and I skateboard goofy.
51. I'm single and I like it that way.
52. Natasha Bedingfield is my favourite non-Christian singer.
53. It's 2:45 in the morning, but I'm not tired because I slept all day.
54. I've tried and failed to beat box.
55. Hannah Montana is an awesome show that makes me laugh.
56. I play hacki sack at lunch almost everyday.
57. I danced with African children to crazy frog music and had a lot of fun.
58. Settlers of Catan and Cities and knights are the best games ever. (in my opinion)
59. I have never been drunk and have never had any alcoholic drinks.
60. I have a doll named Linda.
61. I sleep with a purple teddy bear named Plum every night, and not ashamed at all to say it.
62. I have a problem with procrastination.
63. My blogspot is a secret that I'm glad you all know about.
64. When I was in grades 7 & 8 I had really short hair and was mistaken for a boy several times. So I'm never going back to that.
65. If I could change one thing about my appearance for a period of time without getting any flack for it I would love to shave my head.
67. I love the so called "emo" type of people.
68. I put quotations on 'emo' because I think that by using a word like that stereotypes and I try not to do that.
69. I used to go to Awanas and I won three trophies from the wooden car grand prix's.
70. My uncle will be starting a job as professor of web design at the university of Guelph-Humber soon.
71. I am the oldest of three children.
72. I'm 16 and my birthday is June 24.
73. My sister's name is Suzanne and she is 15. She's two years younger than me (keep in mind I'm turning 17).
74. My brother's name is Michael and he is 10, he's turning 11 at the end of the month. (Guitar Hero 3!)
75. It blew my mind when I found out that there was a single couple with 17 kids (going on 18). The Duggar family, they're somewhat famous.
76. I'm not afraid of heights. I've jumped off a 30ft diving tower 7 times before.
77. I love subs from Subway.
78. I used to really like Pokémon.
79. I hate anime drawings because I think they're unoriginal.
80. All four of my grandparents are still alive and well.
81. I've never felt the pain of having someone I love die.
82. I'm pretty good with an etch-a-sketch.
83. I'm a weirdo.
84. Neither of my parents were born in Canada or the States.
85. One of my best friends went to the Nationals for doing improv skits.
86. My mom's terrified of butterflies.
87. I used to always go to the science center on March breaks when I was younger.
88. I really want to go to China one day, hopefully on a missions trip.
89. I ate these nasty dried fish called kapenta in Africa.
90. I've ate fish food more recently than that as part of a challenge thinking that nothing could be more gross than kapenta... but I was wrong.
91. I used to read a lot of Bernstein Bears books.
92. I remember the shows like Bobby's World, Ned the Newt, Woody the Woodpecker and Rupert.
93. I also vaguely remember an even older show called What-A-Mess that no one else seems to remember. Do you guys know of it?
94. One time my mom was pouring hot water into my instant porridge and missed. I got burnt but you'd never be able to tell now.
95. I don't mean to offend anyone but I'm not really a cat person.
96. I love hugs.
97. I don't wear makeup, only coverup. Although, I don't have a problem with makeup, only excessive makeup.
98. My personal Bible right now is in the Message version, and I love it.
99. The fact that I said "right now" in the last point means that I have more than one Bible and therefore more than I need.
100. And I'm glad to be done. Enough about me, what's going on in your lives?


CaseyMay said...

Steph! You rock girl! And I thought it was really cute that Samantha & I have a "southern" accent. I've heard it said that we talk funny but have never put a name on it. LOL
I had another question/comment about your post but now I can't remember it...LOL

It's been a so fun reading this! I think I will do one of these too maybe later tonight!

Tracy said...

Hi, graffitigirl! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Great list! You asked for similarities/differences. Here are a few for me that I didn't mention in my list:

14. I would love to hear about your trip to Malawi. It sounds like it was an awesome experience. I'll definitely go back & read your posts about it.

16. I'm on Facebook, too. Look me up if you want: Tracy Huston in the Grand Rapids, MI network. My picture is the same as the one on my blog.

20. I ♥ 'Dive' by Steven Curtis Chapman! It's a great running song.

21. I love country music.

24. I love 'American Idol' also. I will vote for David Archuleta for you this week. = )

59. I've never been drunk either & I've only had 1 sip of wine. It was at a Catholic Mass.

76. I'm afraid of heights

80. All 4 of my grandparents are with Jesus.

I can't wait to learn more about you. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!

= )

Stephanie said...

Thanks for your comments guys. You're really uplifting my day!
What I meant by "more southern" was location because everybody thinks Canada's so far North and we supposedly live in igloos. So that would be not accents. But I'm glad it made you laugh, obviously I've never heard you speak.

Dragonflysoul said...

i loved this list! thanks so much for sharing all these things. ok here goes with the ones that stood out to me most:

3. i'm a swimmer too but have never taken formal lessons! i really want to though, i know i could be a much better swimmer if i got taught some specific techniques.

7. i like short people. it IS cute :-)

14. i too want to hear more about your Malawi trip. going to Africa is such a dream of mine, whether for missions or otherwise.

31. that is so awesome. i've never studied French before.

43 & 44: i HATE math in every possible way!! but i loved biology (and anatomy)

49. my dad is a lefty too!!!!! left-handed people are cute.

61. i sleep with a penguin :-) i dare anyone to make fun of me...

91. ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE the Berenstein Bears (i still watch the cartoon on the Sprout channel). and I have all of my Beren. Bears books from when i was a kid - i'm saving them for my own kids some day :-)

you're a cool gal amiga :-) thanks for sharing so much of who you are with us!

SamanthaMarie said...

Hey girly,
Gah! I love these posts so much that I just might have to make one of my own :D

I quit swimming lessons too! All because I didn't want to learn how to dive. I still can't dive actually... :D

I really love the idea of VENT. I think that I might have to try to get one of those started when I'm in college. Hopefully I can meet friends that I would feel comfortable doing that with!!

Purple has been my favorite color since about age seven. :D Even one of the walls in my room is purple!!

I can not go a day without taking a shower. Which is odd since when I was little I HATED them.

I sleep with a teddy bear, although I was rather unoriginal as a child and his name is merely... Teddy.

I'm a weirdo and a procrastinator too! Although, I love butterflies, I'm sorry for your mommy :(

I have more than one Bible too and plan on getting another one with some of the graduation money I get, no worries ;)

Love you girl!