Friday, December 5, 2008


I need a job. Like I really need a job if I want to go away this next year. A little while, a little more than a week ago, I had filled in five applications and handed them in. I haven't heard back from any of them yet... Meanwhile, my sister also wants to get a job so she can go on a trip to Italy with the school next year for a week. Probably close to a couple grand by the end of it and it's not even a missions trip where you could grow closer to God! The thing is today she just sent in a resume to one of the next places I was going to ask about and they might have an opening coming up soon. And to be fair, I'm not supposed to hand in a resume of my so there's no competition thing going on. And if she gets the job I'll be happy for her, but I'll be sad for myself because that would be her first try, I spent way more time filling out the applications than she did printing off one resume, I was thinking of looking there for a job first, and I have more need for a job. I probably sound like I'm just doing a bunch of whining.... and I probably am, so I'm gonna stop. But please pray that I'll get a job soon!

1 comment:

SamanthaMarie said...

I'll be praying about the job! It has taken me a long time to get enough baby-sitting contacts to actually start earning money. But if you are faithful and you keep pursuing different places of employment God will reward you (:

Love ya girl!