So the last to classes in English, we've been doing some freefalls, basically writing whatever comes to our mind we write down continually for 10 minutes. She (my teacher) encouraged us to do one on the computer because it's different than doing it on paper. My other ones were kind of just venting but this ones mostly random. Here it is:
The last time I went for a walk I needed a drink and so I stopped and talked to a stranger. I asked he sold water or if if he knew where water was sold. He told me that chickens don’t lay eggs. And I thought he was crazy. I quickly realized that what he had told me was true and that really dogs are the only animals that lay eggs. I was still confused about where to get a drink when I saw the moon pass over my head. It was an exuberant feeling. I love the moon it loves me back. I want to get to know it better but the sun won’t let me because it dominates the sky most of the day. Day day day day day The cat two streets over from my house continues to visit me and I hate that cat because I am allergic to them. That’s not actually true I am not allergic to anything. Some day I would love to punch an old frog because of the history that they have with humans. It’s hard to imagine that I would ever do such a thing but that is one of my deepest desires. My friend Jon is always able to come up with the most random of things to write even when he’s fresh out of ideas. I think it’s impressive how funny he can be when he gets into it. It it it it Someone is talking to me and I don’t know what to write. I think I forgot to turn on the alarm to tell me when to stop. So I’m going to check that even though were not supposed to do that stopping kind of thing. I’ll do that now.
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